Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 120

Chapter 120: 

Oh, Your Grace!” Gamilla smiled as she approached Robert and Punch. “You done so well!”

Punch wiped his face with a handkerchief and grinned. “We did dance well. Didn’t we?”

“You looked right handsome out there—both of ya, done, Sirs.” Gamilla smiled.

Robert chuckled. “I didn’t think I had it in me.”

Gerard, who stood at Gamilla’s side, nodded. “I felt the same when I started, too. But, there’s somethin’ ‘bout the pipers. Can’t help but dancin’. Feel the music right in your bones.”

“I must say,” Robert began, still out of breath, “the two of you make a very handsome pair. We couldn’t help but watch you as you were dancing.”

Gamilla blushed.

“It took some convincin’.” Gerard grinned. “But, I finally got her to dance with me.”

“I understand.” Punch laughed. “So, I trust the two of ya is havin’ a lark for yourselves, then?”

“I never had such a fine evenin’ in my life.” Gamilla said proudly. “I gotta thank ya, Your Grace. Were it not for you and Dr. Halifax, I’d never have felt like this.”

“How do you feel, Gamilla?” Robert asked.

“Like a princess, Sir.”

“In that gown, Gamilla.” Punch nodded. “You could hold your head up high at Buck House, you could.”

“Oh, Sir.” Gamilla blushed again.

“Can I get you anything, Sirs?” Gerard said quickly, knowing that Gamilla was embarrassed. He hoped to distract the masters from praising the girl any further.

“No, no.” Robert shook his head. “This is your evening off. You’re not serving us tonight.”

“But, you ain’t had nothin’ to eat. I saw how you and His Grace were standin’ with Colin. You barely got to have a piece of that grand cake.”

“We’ll get something shortly, Gerard. Don’t worry. Every so often, His Grace and I are capable of feeding ourselves.”

“Every so often,” Punch confirmed. “’Sides, it were such a treat for Colin to be down here with everyone at his first ball—even if he did sleep through most of it.”

“You done gave him over to Mrs. North?” Gamilla asked.

“Yes,” Robert nodded.

Gamilla and Punch exchanged glances.

“I know what the two of you are thinking.” Robert smiled.

“Sir, it’s jus’ that he ain’t used to Mrs. North. Maybe he’s feelin’ fussy. He’s used to bein’ with me…or Miss Barrett.”

“He’s not been with Miss Barrett in quite some time,” Robert frowned.

“All the more reason, Sir, that maybe I need to go check on him.”

“I shall tell you what I’ve been telling His Grace,” Robert grinned. “The child was sound asleep when Mrs. North carried him upstairs. I’m sure he’s still sound asleep—quite happily dreaming of pipers and cake and beautiful costumes.”

Mr. Punch scowled. “Still, bet he’d like his papas to come and give him a cuddle.”

“Or, at least, his Gamilla to sing him that song he likes so well.”

“Very well,” Robert smiled. “Why don’t the two of you slip upstairs and make sure that Colin and Mrs. North are getting on well?”

Mr. Punch smiled. “You don’t mind, Chum?”

“I’ll play host.” Robert nodded. “To be honest, I’d feel more comfortable knowing that the lad was content.”

“I knew it, Chum.” Punch grinned. “You’re just as overprotective as I am, you are.”

“This is a surprise to you?” Robert winked. “Don’t forget—the first few nights after we arrived in London, I sat in the nursery all night and watched him sleep to make sure he didn’t awaken and wonder where he was.”

“Coo! How could I forget? Don’t ya think I were sittin’ there, too, watchin’ both of ya after you fell asleep in the chair.”

“He’s a lucky boy to have two such lovin’ papas.” Gamilla giggled.

“We won’t be long, Chum.” Mr. Punch smiled, taking Gamilla by the arm. “Why don’t you and Gerry have some more cake?”

“I think we shall.” Robert nodded.

Gerard and Robert watched as Gamilla and Mr. Punch headed toward the stairs.

“I’ll get you some cake, Sir. And, maybe something savory, too.” Gerard smiled.

“You certainly will not.” Robert shook his head. “I shall fetch something for both of us.”

“Sir…” Gerard shook his head.

“No arguments, Mr. Gurney,” Robert smiled. “Tonight, we serve you.”

“Yes, Sir.” Gerard nodded.

The two men glanced toward the staircase just in time to see Punch and Gamilla disappear around the curve of the second landing. Both smiled affectionately.

“I reckon Dr. Halifax and Gerard think we’re silly.” Gamilla said quietly as she and Punch started down the long, vaulted corridor.

“Nah.” Mr. Punch shook his head. “Fact is, I s’pose Dr. Halifax worries more ‘bout our Colin than any of us. It’s jus’ that he’s quieter ‘bout it than I am.”

Gamilla nodded. “Your Grace, I gotta tell ya, though I’m sad Miss Barrett done took ill, I’d not have traded this time with Colin for nothin’.”

“I know it.” Punch replied. “And, he loves you so. Makes me think maybe we shoulda jus’ made ya his nanny at the start.”

“Well, Sir, a boy of Master Colin’s stations should have a governess. All I coulda been is a nurse. I ain’t like Miss Barrett. I can’t teach him nothin’ like a real governess would.”

“We could have hired tutors later on. Ain’t like Colin needs much education right now. He ain’t even walkin’ yet.”

“Still, don’t matter, Sir. You got Miss Barrett.”

“Yes,” Punch sighed. He paused in the passage and turned toward Gamilla. “I’m terrible sorry. I shoulda given you the post.”

Gamilla shrugged.

“I think Dr. Halifax were right all along.” Punch continued.

“Maybe so, Sir.” Gamilla answered.

“You think so?” Punch’s eyes widened. “Thought you was a friend of Miss Barrett?”

“I…” Gamilla began. She wished she could tell Mr. Punch what she knew about the governess and why she was so concerned for Colin, but she knew that if she told the master, the child would be in danger.

Mr. Punch smiled. “I understand. You don’t wanna say nothin’ bad ‘bout your friend. You’re a loyal young lady, Gamilla. I commend ya for it, I do. We can talk ‘bout this more tomorrow. This is a night for you to relax. ‘Specially since you wasn’t feelin’ well earlier. How are you now? You seem much better.”

“I am, Sir.” Gamilla answered uncomfortably as she recalled the cruel treatment she had received from Miss Barrett and Finlay’s violent threats. She wished the night would never end.

“Here,” Punch narrowed his eyes in concern. “Somethin’ troublin’ ya.”

“No, Sir.” Gamilla forced herself to smile. “I was just thinkin’ ‘bout Master Colin.”

Punch nodded and the two of them began walking again.

“Here we are,” Punch grinned as they reached the nursery door.

He opened the door quickly and gasped as he rushed into the room.

Gamilla followed him in.

“Get Dr. Halifax!” Punch yelped. “Quick!”

Did you miss Chapters 1-119 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square? If so, you can read them here. Come back tomorrow for Chapter 121.

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