Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 137

Chapter 137:
You Simply Must 

Robert’s eyes stung with hot tears. “My dear Punch?” He gently shook his companion.

“What’s happened to him, Doctor?” Gamilla shrieked.

“I…I don’t know. He’s, I think…he’s done this before. It’s…it’s when he’s…I don’t know what to call it…” Robert wiped the sweat and tears from his face with the back of his hand. “When he’s…transitioning. From one entity to another.”

“Oh.” Gamilla nodded. “Does that mean that…the Duke…you know, Sir,…the original Duke is done gonna come out?”

“I’m not certain.” Robert furrowed his brow. “I was fearful of this. I know he doesn’t like when I shield him, but, he’s so delicate and sensitive. He’s received, as we all have, shock after shock this evening. I was afraid this would trigger such an…” Robert raised his hands in frustration. “Why are there no words for this? Why?”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” Gamilla said softly.

“Such an episode,” Robert continued. “We’ll call it an ‘episode.’” He examined his companion. “His breathing and heart beat are regular.” Robert glanced up at the bed where Gerard continued to moan.

“Sir,” Charles spoke up. “Shall I go get your bag?”

“I hate to send you out, Charles, but I think you’d best.”

“I’ll go in the nursery and stay with Colin ‘til Charles returns.” Gamilla said, rushing into the next room after taking one more look at Gerard.

“Dear Punch,” Robert leaned in, whispering. “I’d like to stay with you and watch over you, but…” He sighed. “Gerard needs me, too.”

Robert sat on the floor next to the Duke’s body. “Come back to me.”

Taking the Duke’s hand, Robert continued to whisper. “I know that you sometimes wonder if I wouldn’t be happier with Julian, and, despite my reassurances, I know that you carry that with you. Please hear me. It’s you, dear Punch. You have to come back to me. You''re my whole world.  You and Colin.  We can't go on...  Whatever is happening inside of you right now—I wish, how I wish I could understand it—just know that we need you to come back to us. Not just me, but especially for Colin. Colin needs his Punch. He adores you, my dear.  He worships you.  He needs you. I need you. The staff…we all…” Robert trailed off. “Now, you listen to me, Mr. Punch. You’re the heart of this family. Without you, we can’t continue.”

Panting, Charles rattled back into the room, locking the door behind him. He extended his arm and offered the surgical bag to Dr. Halifax.

“Thank you, Charles.” Robert stood up. “Did you get a sense of the atmosphere of the household?”

“Very quiet, Sir.” Charles responded. “Mr. Speaight is showing people to their rooms. I saw nothing of Finlay nor Miss Barrett.”

“Good.” Robert sighed again. “Will you help me carry His Grace into the nursery?”

“Of course.”

“We can put him on the sofa in there while I work on Gerard. If you’d watch him and Colin…”

“I’ll see that they’re both well.”

After carrying Julian’s body into the nursery, Charles sent Gamilla to attend to Gerard with the Doctor.

Alone with the Duke, Charles picked up Colin from his cradle and sat in the chair next to the sofa where the Duke lay.

“Your Grace,” Charles said aloud. “Colin is here. I suppose he thinks you’re sleeping. Perhaps you are. I’m here, too. It’s Charles. I think you can hear me. I don’t understand what goes on inside of you. I imagine it’s quite a terrible thing which you must endure. But, I also know how strong you are, Your Grace. Would that I were so strong, Sir.  I have enough trouble being just one man.  I don't know how you manage being two or more.  I couldn't do it.  I know you think I'm very hearty, but, you see, I’m not. I try to appear to be, but…I’m not. I…” He shook his head. “Colin wants to talk to his papa, Your Grace. So, you’ve got to wake up.”

He hugged the child and added, “You simply must.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-136? If so, you can read them here. Come back tomorrow for Chapter 138 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square.

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