Monday, September 24, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 147

Chapter 147:
No Doubt 

Surely, my dear,” Robert said softly. “The woman must be lying. She’s done nothing but lie to us since she arrived.”

“That she has,” Punch nodded. “But, I don’t think she’s doin’ it now, Chum.”

“How could it be true?” Robert asked.

“Mrs. Pepper?” Mr. Punch looked up, “Miss Barrett said her pa were Johnny Donnan and her ma were the Duchess of Fallbridge?”

“Yes, Your Grace.” Mrs. Pepper nodded, as, suddenly, a curious expression passed over her face. She—as well as Georgie, Ethel and Jenny—realized that the Duke was talking strangely.

“Ah…” Mr. Punch smiled slightly, noticing their realization. He glanced at Robert.

“This is the manner in which His Grace speaks naturally.” Robert said quickly. “It’s easier for him. When in public, the Duke typically prefers to adopt a more formal way of speech.”

“Oh, we know, Dr. Halifax.” Mrs. Pepper smiled. “We hear him all the time. Our bedrooms, if you’ll recall, at the Belgrave Square house are just above yours. It’s just that we ain’t used to hearin’ ‘is Grace speak so in front of us.”

Mr. Punch chuckled. “Well, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, Your Grace. It’s an honor.” Mrs. Pepper nodded.

Robert took a deep breath.

“Chum, I owe you an apology, I do.”

“Why’s that, Dear Punch?” Robert tilted his head to one side. He figured that since the others on the staff heard the Duke speak as Punch, they might as well get used to hearing him called by that name as well.

“Well, you been tryin’ to tell me for weeks that Miss Barrett weren’t what she seemed. You and Charles both. I’m sorry for bein’ stubborn. Sorry to both of you.”

“Your Grace, one of your traits which we all most admire is your ability to find the good in people.” Charles replied.

“Still, maybe I oughtn’t.”

“Dear Punch, I’d not change a bit of you for anything. Ever.” Robert replied.

“There were so much what I missed.” Punch grunted. “If I’d only paid attention, I coulda seen this comin’.”

“Not necessarily. And, let’s not forget that we don’t know that what the woman is saying is true.” Robert interrupted.

“Sure, we do.” Punch shook his head. “Think of it, I already noticed several times how Ellen reminded me of Barbara.”

“Well, yes, but I can think of several people who remind me of your sister Barbara.”

“None what got the story Ellen’s got.” Mr. Punch sighed. “She says Donnan were her pa. Well, just ‘bout the time she woulda been born, Sir Colin and the Duchess of Fallbridge come here all ‘lone. They stayed several months, and, after that the Duchess never wanted to come back. I ain’t surprised to know that the Duchess fancied Johnny Donnan. She were proud of her taste for low men. She often boasted to Barbara ‘bout her times with the servant men. The whole household at Fallbridge Hall knew. I reckon all the folks here knew, too.” Punch frowned. “Oh…poor Mrs. North.”

Robert shut his eyes. “She either already knew or figured it out and Ellen killed her.”

“Or Finlay, Sir.” Jenny said blushing. “You shoulda seen how he threatened us. Held the knife to our Georgie’s poor throat, he did. Just after that awful Miss Barrett tried to hurt our Ethel.”

“I’m so sorry,” Mr. Punch shook his head. “I hate to think of any harm coming to any of you.”

“I fought ‘er off, Sir.” Ethel smiled.

“I have no doubt.” Mr. Punch nodded. “Where are Finlay and Ellen now?”

“They ran out the downstairs door, Your Grace.” Mrs. Pepper answered.

“Both of them?” Robert asked.


“So Finlay’s her brother, then, too.” Mr. Punch continued. “He’s Johnny’s boy, and, so, he’s as much her brother as I. I can see why he tortured Gerard and Charles so. He were tryin’ to get close to us, Chum.”

“I can recall him trying to get more than close to me.” Robert grumbled.

“Did one of ‘em hurt Gerard?” Mrs. Pepper asked.

“Gerard was stabbed. But, he’s doing much better now. I can’t say which of them did it.” Robert replied.

Georgie, Ethel and Jenny gasped.

“I assure you,” Robert said quickly. “Gerard will be back to his usual business very shortly.”

Ethel sniffed.

“I promise, Ethel.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” Ethel nodded.

“And, the Countess? Who killed her, Sir?” Georgie asked.

Robert shrugged. “I don’t know. I can’t imagine what she has to do with any of this.”

“The baron.” Mr. Punch replied softly.

“How so?” Robert asked.

“Why don’t we all sit down for a minute.” Punch said hesitantly. “I got somethin’ to tell ya.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-146? If so, you can read them here. Come back tomorrow for Chapter 148 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square.

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