Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square will Continue on Monday

So, Ellen’s alive. I get the feeling that most everyone is disappointed.

Not only is she alive, but she’s keeping her charade up. Of course, she’s not aware that the Duke, the Doctor, Finlay and the staff are aware that she’s an imposter. Nevertheless, Johnny Donnan and the Baron Lensdown are falling for her routine.

Lensdown, however, has just delivered the news—a clear betrayal of Ellen—to the Duke that his former governess is still living. It’s a safe bet that he’ll be told pretty quickly what’s afoot. What will happen with this shady peer next?

Meanwhile, Punch and Robert—in front of everyone on the staff and Lennie—are questioning Finlay about his association with the faux-Ellen. Is he telling the truth or trying to swing things in his own favor? Lendsown may be more help than he knows or would want to be.

The surprises aren’t finished yet. There’s a doozy, as Hazel would have said, in store this week. So, make sure to come back on Monday. If you’ve missed a chapter, you know you can always catch up in the Chapter Archive.

See you next week!

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