Saturday, January 12, 2013

At the Music Hall: Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing, 1932

Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Sweet, sweet sweet, sweet sweet.
Let's all warble like nightingales,
Give your throat a treat.
Take your time from the birds,
Now you all know the words,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.

Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Bubbaboo ba-bubbaboo ba-boo.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Tweet tweet tweet - my that bird sings sweetly.
Let's all warble like nightingales,
Ah, Mimi...c'est magnifique!
Take your time from the birds,
Now you all know the words
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet

Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Sweet, sweet sweet, sweet sweet.
Let's all warble like nightingales,
Give your throat a treat.
Take your time from the birds,
Now you all know the words,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet, tweet.

This popular music hall song extolling the virtues of melodic avian creatures has endured to this date in large part because of its longtime association with Disney foolishness.  The song was written by Robert Hargreaves, Stanley J. Damerell and Tolchard Evans in 1932 and was a favorite of performers during the 20s because of its cheerful theme and easy lyrics.

I’m posting this video clip from a Disney cartoon.  I’m not entirely happy about it.  But, it’s what one typically associates with this song.  

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